What is the microbiome?

What is it?

The microbiome is a biome for germs. It is a place that is microscopic anywhere in or on your body. Your skin has a microbiome. Your mouth has a microbiome. Your poop has a microbiome too! So, a microbiome is the biome in which germs exist. It is a community of bacteria on your body. Each microbiome is different. Your mouth’s microbiome is different from your foot’s.

Your microbiome can be in good or bad condition. When your are felling good, your microbiome is probably in a good condition. There is some research about how the microbiome affects your mood. If you feel sick, your microbiome is probably in a bad condition.

You can also change the microbiome. You can take anti-biotics, which takes some germs away, or you can take probiotics, which gives your body good bacteria. One more little fact. In one human body, there is more bacteria than the number of humans on earth! I hope you learned a little about the microbiome!

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